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Current Affairs and Their Effects | 2018 |


Current Affairs are the events of political, economic, environmental or social interest and importance happening in the world at the present time. Some events are desirable while some are undesirable and harm the nature and mankind. Some events leave long lasting effects in the world. The event happening in one part of the world may affect the other parts as well. It is important for us to get informed about such happening in the world at the present time. Let’s study about some of the current affairs and their effects.

1. Climate Change: It is a change in global or regional climate patterns. It is due to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels and deforestation. It is also called global warming which refers to rise in average surface temperature on earth. The gases trap heat within the atmosphere, which can have a range of effects on ecosystems, including rise in sea level, acid rain, melting of ice-caps, forest fire, drought, flooding shrinking of grasslands and rainforest etc. Thus, we need to be aware about the creation of clean environment, the conservation of biodiversity, causes and consequences of the climate change and try our best to mitigate its negative effects.

2. Disarmament: It is a process of reducing or limiting the use of weapons. This process includes the balanced cut off of traditional weapons and disposal ofpowerful weapons such as nuclear bomb and biological weapons. It also discourages the production, distribution and storage of such dangerous weapons. The production of various biological and nonbiological weapons has threatened and terrified the world. The use and supply of such weapon has created crisis in human existence. It is a fact that, general arms and weapons worth 2 billion US dollars are legally traded and those worth 1 billion US dollar are smuggled. Some weapons remain active for a long period of time and cause destruction. Realizing this fact, various activities for disarmament and limited use of weapons are going on after the establishment of the UN for the world peace and security. Thus, we need to keep on collective efforts to make the world a safer place through disarmament.

3. Epidemic: It is an outbreak of infectious disease that spreads more quickly and more extensively among a group of people. Several infectious diseases have started and spread affecting human health. Diseases like Ebola, HIV/AIDS, Swine F lu, SARS, Zika Virus etc have created problems as epidemic disease in different parts of the world. The Zika Virus spread in Brazil affected in about 42 countries and terrified the world. Such diseases have affected human life negatively. Thus, we need to improve and change our living style, and
try to prevent such epidemics.

4. Landmine: It is an explosive mine laid on or just under the surface of the ground or sea. It explodes if disturbed by pressure or the closeness of something such as metal. It may take the life of many innocent people and animals. Landmines were used widely during the World Wars. It was also used during the ten-year long armed conflict in Nepal. With
the advancement of modern technology, such explosive materials are getting easy access ' The UN agencies and programs have been supporting financially and technically to give the required information. Thus, we should always be careful while moving in sensitive areas and touching suspected object. If such objects are seen we should inform the security authority so that they can make it ineffective.

5. Nuclear Energy: It is the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially When used to generate electricity. Its production and use has been developed as a complicated issue in the world. Iran and North Korea are producing and using nuclear energy which has created dispute in international arena. The history of the use of nuclear energy began when atom bombs were dropped in Japan in 1945 AD. With the view to cope with the problems in the human health by nuclear energy, the UN has established International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It works to promote the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technologies.

6. Population Growth: Population growth is the increase in the number of individuals. The world is going through a unique population pattern. Due to the improvement in health service and facilities, death rate in all over the world has decreased. The population of elderly population is getting higher and life expectancy is increasing. The UN issued a declaration on elderly people in 1982 AD and requested all to accept the elderly people as the matter of social security but not as a problem. In order to pay respect to the senior citizens, Government of Nepal has been providing social security allowance to senior citizens since 2051 BS. Senior citizens are our guidelines and store of knowledge and experience. Thus, we should develop a positive attitude towards old age people.

7. Sustainable Development: It is the development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources so that the future generation can also use it. The objective of the sustainable development is related to the protection of the earth and resources available here. With the completion of the 15-year programs of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the UN General Assembly, in 2015 AD agreed to launch Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for next 15 years i.e. 2016-2030 AD. Democracy, good governance and rule of law have been considered as the standard of sustainable development. If the concept of the sustainable development is fully implemented, we don’t need to suffer from the environmental degradation and natural calamities. Thus, we need to carry out our activities as per the concept of sustainable development so that available resources Will not be depleted.

8. Terrorism: It is the violence or the threat of violence carried out to fulfill the political, economic, social or any other aim. The terrorizing activities like hijacking, murdering, kidnapping, bomb blasting etc have created security threat to the world. It has become a big challenge to the world. Several terrorist groups are active to fullfill their aims by creating fearful situation. Terrorist attacks in New York, Paris, Belgium, Afghanistan and Iraq were very much terrifying violence. Syria and Afghanistan are suffering badly from terrorism. Every year, hundreds of innocent people lose their life due to terrorist activities. Though, several regional and international organizations promised to end the terrorism, it has not yet been ended. Thus, we need to be aware about it and help to make the world a safer place.

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