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Abroad Study For Nepali Students

Abroad Study for Nepali Students

Abroad study refers to the process of getting education outside one's own country. In other words, it's a process of studying in foreign countries. With the development of factors such as globalization, transport and technology sharing, abroad study has become popular even among the Nepalese learners.

During the Rana regime, some Nepalese students were sent officially to a few foreign countries such as Japan for technical studies. Later most royal family members were educated in India, ove UK, USA, etc. Similarly, most of the earliest intellectuals of Nepal were educated in India.

Banaras remained an easily accessible centre of educational activities for them. With easier transport and communication available, ordinary Nepalese students could later start moving to further countries for education. Now the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and Japan have become the major destinations. The number of students leaving the country for abroad studies is growing every year.

For the students like those from Nepal, abroad study can have several advantages. They can enjoy wider choices of subjects and faculties. Learning and teaching process there is more advanced, scientific and practical. They can find wider job opportunities. Besides, they can also be well-acquainted with advanced technology and development activities, and are exposed to different cultures. During the Maoist conflict, even ordinary arch parents were more obliged to seek for educational opportunities for their children in foreign countries. With more students going out, Nepal's foreign relation with certain countries has been further strengthened.

The abroad study does have some serious problems and disadvantages. Visa processing is lengthy, costly and complicated. In an attempt to maintain their expense, many are obliged to quit studies and work against the rules of their institutions. For many young people social adjustment is often difficult. Struggle made by many Nepalese students in the United Kingdom in the recent past nice of gives a horrible picture. They feel alienated in the new circumstances. As they are finally used to in the new world, they forget their family, company and even nationality. Many of those securing good results don't want to return home; it's a great loss for the country. Deserving students don't have trust upon the national opportunities. With the number of students longing for abroad studies, national educational institutions and their products are undervalued.

Thus the government should not let all this continue as itis. The education consultancies should be properly monitored and regulated. Liaising with the concerned countries, the government should diplomatic make agencies visa processing as embassies simpler, easier in their and receiving cheaper. Nepal's such territories should work more actively for the welfare of learners. More importantly, the national education these migrant should developed, modified and restructured. It must technically be advanced and competitive. And our products should be available in the country as well as potential foreign fit the jobs destinations Students should be encouraged to choose among the educational opportunities available in the country. They should also know try well about the pros and cons, sufferings borne to by seniors and possible adjustment they can make their in their country and abroad.

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